Was Hitler A Weak Dictator

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In this assignment I am dealing with the political Structure of the Third Reich to explain why I am convinced that Adolf Hitler was not a weak Dictator as it is sometimes suggested, but a very strong and powerful leader. First I am going to look on some facts that in my oppinion could suggest that Hitler was not the Dictator that had controll abut everything, then I am going to confront these suggestions with an possible explanation for the political confusion in the third Reich. Finally I try to explain why, if you consider all the facts I have mentioned, you should come to the conclusion that Adolf Hitler was the master of the Third Reich. If You consider the political situation in Germany during the Third Reich as not merely and pay more attention to the background, it is obvious that it was not such a monolith block as the Propaganda tried to show it, it was a confusing existence of rival hierarchies and competing centers of power at the same time. A very good way to describe this is to look on the letter that the Gauleiter (Gauleader) of Munich - Upper Bavaria, Adolf Wagner, wrote to the Minister of the Interior, Frick in June 1934: According to the actual legal Position, the Reichsstatthalter are under your control as you are the Minister of the Interior of the Reich. Adolf Hitler is Reichsstatthalter in Prussia. He has delegated his rights to the Prime Minister of Prussia, Goering. You yourself are at the same time Minister of the Interior in Prussia. As a Minister of the Interior of the Reich, Adolf Hitler and the Prime Minister of Prussia are under your control. But as you are Minister of the Interior in Prussia at the same time, , you are under the control of the Prime Minister of Prussia, and so you are under your own control as a Minister of the Interior of the Reich. Now I am not a jurist, but I do not think that such a Construction has ever existed before. [1] Or as Joseph Goebbels wrote into his Diary on the 10th of February 1940: General Dissagreement. Ley is arguing with Kerrl against Rosenberg etc. And this right now in the war, and everybody refers his position to the Fuehrer. [2] If you compare the two following diagrams, it is easy to see that the structure of the third Reich was a kind of Doppelstaat (Double - State) with the traditional Bureaucracy on the one hand, and the Party - Apparatus on the other hand. [3] In this Diagram, you can see the structure of the state in the Third Reich. At first it seems to be as clear structured and organized as the NSDAP; but there were rivalries between the State - Bureaucracy and the Party - Organizations. [4] This Diagram shows the structure of the NSDAP as created from Adolf Hitler after 1923. The Party was based on absolute loyalty towards the Fuehrer. There where many Departments which where direct Rivals to the power of the traditional Bureaucracy. The demise of an centralized government with clear divisions of the areas of ...

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2 285 cuvinte
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Anonymous A.
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