United Kingdom

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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the political union of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. It is not a federation but a unitary state, and its inhabitants elect members to represent them in a parliament that meets in London. Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, however, retain a degree of autonomy in running some of their own affairs.

The first union of separate states in the British Isles took place in 1301, when Wales was joined to England by the creation of the title of Prince of Wales for the son of Edward I of England. Wales was not officially incorporated with England, however, until 1536. In 1603 James VI of Scotland became king of England (as James I), uniting Scotland and England under one ruler and creating the so-called Union of the Crowns. Despite this unification, Scotland retained its own parliament until 1707, when the parliaments of the two states were formally united.

Although this union was opposed by many Scots, it ultimately gave them entry to the larger world of English politics and business. The name Great Britain was officially adopted for this union; when Ireland was added to Great Britain by the Act of Union of 1801, the title United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland was introduced.

As a result of Irish demands for independence, the Irish Free State was declared in 1922. The six northern counties of Ireland, which had a predominantly Protestant population, remained as part of the United Kingdom but were officially named Northern Ireland. The present title for the union of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland-the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland-dates from 1927. Northern Ireland sent representatives to the London Parliament but had its own legislature and executive to deal with domestic matters.

In 1972, because of continuing political and religious problems (between the Roman Catholics and the Protestants) in Northern Ireland, the London Parliament suspended the Northern Ireland Parliament.

The London Parliament then established its own direct control over this province.

In 1885 a secretary of state was appointed to look after Scottish affairs.

There are separate departments in Scotland for home affairs, health, agriculture, fisheries, education, and economic development. The Scottish legal system is also separate from the English system.

In 1964 a Welsh Office was established to oversee matters of interest to Wales.

The office is headed by a secretary of state for Wales.

The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man do not belong to the United Kingdom.

They are direct dependencies of the Crown, or sovereign, and have their own legislative and taxation systems.

The United Kingdom does not have a written constitution like that of the United States. The British constitution is formed partly by statutes, or legislative enactments of Parliament; partly by common law, based on decisions of courts of law; and partly by practices and ...

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