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Traveling is one of the most valuable and enriching experiences in our lives

increasing our knowledge, opening our minds, enriching our spirits, extending new moral

values; and you can find many destinations in the world that would fulfill your desires.

But, if what you are looking for is a unique and memorable experience that will give you

the opportunity to learn about another culture through art, cultural events, historical cites,

and archeological treasures, a place to visit is certainly Italy. Among many places in the

world where you can relive the past, Italy is certainly the most charming place. This little

country in the middle of the Mediterranean represents the cradle of the Roman Empire

and the Renaissance, and offers an incredible number of opportunities for people eager to

learn about an ancient civilization that shaped the history of many cultures. Moreover,

"according to UNESCO" ("United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization"), Italy is the place where you can find 66% of the "world"s historical

artistic heritage", which is an incredible number if you consider that Italy is only

"116,346.5 sq mi" ("Art Cities") ("Italy"). Although every little corner of this country

will be unforgettable to you because all of its towns and cities are " veritable living

museums" ("Art Cities"), there are two cities that you cannot miss because of their

beauty and their historic, cultural, and artistic value, and these cities are Rome and


Rome is a large city in the middle of the Country and historically was the center

of the Roman Empire and of Christianity; today the center of the Catholic Church of the

entire world is in the Vatican City, which although it is considered a separate state, is

located in the center of Rome ("Rome"). Rome is also the capital of Italy and has "two

and a half thousand years"("Rome") of history and art in its buildings and museums,

offering cultural visitors the opportunity to learn about architecture, art and many aspects

of western civilization through guided educational tours. Many of the historic sites and

museums can be reached by foot once you have reached down town, and I would suggest

taking a walk, if it is possible, because not only will the famous historical landmarks

amaze you, but also the urban architecture is worth a view. Although there are many

things to see in Rome, some of the most popular sites to visit are the Colosseum, the

Pantheon, the Trevi Fountain, the Forum and the Vatican museum, which includes

Leonardo and Raphael masterpieces and Michelangelo"s famous fresco "The Last

Judgment" located in the Sistine Chapel. For all of them you can either plan a personal

visit or arrange a tour with a group. In both cases you will have a guide that will explain

all the features of these wonderful works of the past and their roles in the life of the ancient Romans.


eseu despre roma in limba engleza

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6/10 (4 voturi)
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Pagini (total):
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Nr cuvinte:
1 267 cuvinte
Nr caractere:
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12.61KB (arhivat)
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Anonymous A.
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Limba Engleză
judgement, explain, rome
la liceu