Life în the countryside

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My name is . and I would like to present in this report the advantages of life in the countryside.

For me life in the countryside means delightful views and the lack of a border between us and nature

A quote that I want to remember: "Rural life must be favored, because we see the works of God there." (William Penn)

There's no denying that living in the countryside has some definite physical and mental health benefits, but let's not also forget that being closer to nature can play a big part in moulding us into the people we are today.

Noticing the weather, listening to birdsong and catching a whiff of freshly cut grass, the sounds and smells of nature are enhanced in the countryside and they force us to take notice and live the present.

Although people who live in the countryside can still lead busy and hectic lives, the peace of their surroundings help to bring them to a gentle residence and remind them not to rush life away.

The countryside is generally quiet and peaceful - certainly not as contaminated with toxic pollutants as the city. There isn't as much traffic or smog or pollution from industry.

Without having a plethora of transport and social activities, both childrens and adults can be left with just their imagination and senses to take an adventure. A walk, a bike ride or building a den in the forest will all give us a different perspective.

A strong sense of community and often living just a short walk away from friends or relatives means that relationships are frequently nourished and can grow strong enough to last a lifetime.

Most people in rural populations are people practicing agribusiness and gardening so they can grow their own vegetables without having to buy them from shops, have dairy products (milk, cheese, cheese) and home-grown food animal (egg, meat, etc.).Fresh air and local, organic produce can go a long way in keeping our body on top form. This, in turn, does wonders for wellbeing.

Time runs more slowly in the country which takes away a great deal of stress that is experienced by the city dwellers who tend to be always in a hurry to somewhere.

We can't underestimate the happiness we get from the small things in life, from walking the dog to nurturing the most beautiful bloom of roses in garden.

A sense of appreciation and a slower pace of life included, this is why living in the countryside is good for our souls

I prefer the peaceful life in country because of the above mentioned-points and not only.

I attached below pictures from the rural area where I live in - village Pausesti de Otasau, county Valcea.

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  • Life in the countryside.doc
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8/10 (1 voturi)
Anul redactarii:
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1 fisier
Pagini (total):
4 pagini
Imagini extrase:
4 imagini
Nr cuvinte:
471 cuvinte
Nr caractere:
2 268 caractere
3.23MB (arhivat)
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