Language in cross cultural understanding

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Much of our understanding of the world comes from words: the words that others use to describe their experiences and impressions to us. And much of what others know, about what we have learned, comes from the words that we use to explain it. But what about our education if the words that others use are not accurate? And, what is our responsibility as we share information? To accurately and sensitively convey our experiences and impressions we should choose the best words for the job. One step to creating better international understanding is to be conscientious about using language that accurately conveys what we mean. Its been said, many times in many ways, that language structures our thinking and opinions. The adage seems hold especially true for Westerners perceptions of non-Westerners and more specifically non-White cultures. Take the words: hut and palace. They probably create two very different pictures in your minds eye, because language structures our thinking. In several parts of Africa, royal families are involved in agriculture and sleep at the palace which is a complex of detached, usually one-room structures commonly made of daga (adobe). The buildings have a variety of purposes and come in a variety of shapes and sizes: some are used for sleeping (bedrooms), some for congregating (living rooms), some for cooking (kitchens) and others for storage (pantries or granaries. ) Africans, speaking their indigenous languages would not call any of these huts. A hut, as defined by Webster, is: 1. A crudely built dwelling or shelter. 2. A temporary structure for sheltering troops. If you return from traveling and tell your friends, 1) I slept in a hut, or 2) I slept in a palace, your friends will have a very different image about your experience. You will influence, through your selection of words, how your friends will view your experience, and through extension, the lives of the people you met and their quality of life. So if you slept with the royal family, did you sleep in a hut or a palace? Your choice of words can show the bias in how you view the world. The words and ideas that Westerners typically associates with Africa and other non-western cultures are: Third World natives who live in huts and practice witch craft. Unfortunately most of the messages we have received since childhood about our fellow non-western man and woman grossly simplify their lives and denigrates their state of being. It is a lexicon that has been generated, built and spread by ethnocentric western anthropologists, missionaries, educators and Hollywood. The fact that non-Westerners also, when speaking our English and French, use terms like natives, huts, and witch craft doesnt validate the accuracy of the vocabulary. One of the lasting legacy of a century of foreign domination and oppression is language. Here the consequence of language structuring thinking is perhaps even more destructive and tragic because it ...

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  • Language In Cross Cultural Understanding
    • Referat.doc
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Nr fișiere:
1 fisier
Pagini (total):
6 pagini
Imagini extrase:
6 imagini
Nr cuvinte:
2 261 cuvinte
Nr caractere:
12 466 caractere
13.30KB (arhivat)
Publicat de:
Anonymous A.
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Limba Engleză
language, culture
la liceu