Turism în Alba Iulia

Cuprins proiect:

1.General information about the city of Alba Iulia
1.1 Location and access roads
1.2 History
1.3 Relief
1.4 Climate
1.5 Hydrography
1.6 Flora and fauna
1.7 Population
2. Tourist spots
2.1 Natural tourist objectives
2.2 Anthropic tourist objectives
2.3. Tourist reception structures
3. Culture, cinema, theater
4. Sports facilities
5 Apulum Roman festival
6. Forms of advertising

Extras din proiect:

1.1 Location and access roads

Alba Iulia is the municipality of Alba county, located on the left bank of the Mures River, at the confluence of the Ampoi and Sebes rivers. It is located in the southwestern part of Transylvania and is "guarded" by the Apuseni Mountains and the Southern Carpathians.

When it comes to access roads, the city is crossed by the E81 (DN1) road, which connects Deva and Cluj-Napoca, at a distance of 380 km from Bucharest and E68 (DN7) which ensures the transit between the south and the west.

1.2 History

Certainly one of the most beautiful and interesting cities in Romania, Alba Iulia is a true spiritual and cultural center of Romanians everywhere. With a troubled and glorious history which extends from the Dacian tribes then to the union of the Romanian provinces made in this place by Mihai Viteazul, and recently at the time of July 31, 1990, when it was decided to celebrate Romania's National Day on December 1, Alba Iulia is much more than it seems at first sight.

1.3 Relief

In Alba county, high forms of relief predominate. The mountains occupy approx. 52% of the surface, plateau and hill areas 26%, and plain areas, including river meadows 22%.

The mountainous area is dominated by the eastern extremity of the Metaliferi Mountains, by the peaks of the Trascăului massif, by the southern slopes of the Bihariei Mountains, as well as by the Șureanu Mountains whose peaks reach 2130 meters (Pătru's Peak).

1.4 Climate

The climate of the area, like the entire Alba County is temperate - continental with slight nuances of excess in the lower areas but moderate and wetter in the mountainous area. Relief is the factor that influences the climate.

The climate is also influenced by the vertical zonation imposed by the presence of mountains. There are two main sectors: a cold and humid climate in mountainous areas and a warmer and drier climate in the low regions, depression.

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  • Turism in Alba Iulia.pptx
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Tipuri fișiere:
7/10 (1 voturi)
Anul redactarii:
Nr fișiere:
1 fisier
Pagini (total):
22 pagini
32.03MB (arhivat)
Publicat de:
Anonymous A.
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Tip document:
Facultatea de Economia Turismului Intern si International , Universitatea Romano-Americana din Bucuresti
An de studiu:
Nota primită:
Nota 10