All Linux Commands

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Complete Linux Commands List

The following is a complete list of all Linux Commands and their descriptions from the Universal Command Guide for Operating Systems. The Universal Command Guide for Operating Systems also includes all of the command options, switches and parameters as well as real world examples that demonstrate how to use the commands. We also give you tips and notes on how to use the commands and when. You will not find even one command missing from this list. We literally scanned the entire file system and included absolutely every executable file and script we found.

If you can find even one command that is not included please email me immediately at Missing Command. In the event that a command is missing from this list and out of the Universal Command Guide for Operating Systems, it must not have been included in the base distribution of the operating system. The command must have come from an additional software package or from another version of the operating system.

This is the complete list of all Linux Commands from Redhat 7.0


# Chapter 9

Used to make comments in a shell script or tells witch shell to use as an interpreter for the script.


. Chapter 9

Reads commands from a script and execute them in your current environment.


/etc/hosts Chapter 9

Configures names and aliases of IP-addresses. Fields should be separated with Tab or white space.


/etc/inittab Chapter 11

Controls process dispatching. Used by init.


/etc/lilo.conf Chapter 11

Is the configuration file used by the Linux Loader while booting.


/etc/modules.conf Chapter 11

Loads modules specific options at startup.


/etc/nologin Chapter 11

Is a text file that, if it exists in /etc/, will prevent non-root users from logging in. If a user attempts to login, it will be shown the contents of the file, and then be disconnected.


/etc/nsswitch.conf Chapter 11

Specifies how the lookup for different databases are performed and in what order. Lookups are done left to right.


/etc/printcap Chapter 11

Describes printers and allows dynamic addition and deletion of printers by the spooling system.


/etc/resolv.conf Chapter 9

Configures DNS name servers to use for hostname lookups.


/etc/sysconfig/network Chapter 11

Configures the system's network. Specifies hostname and gateway.


/etc/xinetd.conf Chapter 11

Contains the configuration for the extended internet services started by the xinetd command.


a2p Chapter 9

Transforms awk scripts to perl scripts, and shows the result on STDOUT.


ab Chapter 11

Benchmarks your Apache server by sending requests to it.


access Chapter 11

Checks whether if a file can be accessed. Exits successfully if the file can be accessed with the specified mode.


actctrl Chapter 11

Configures the IBM Active 2000 ISDN device driver and downloads firmware into the ISDN card.


addftinfo Chapter 11

Reads troff font file and adds font metric information that is used by the groff system.


addr Chapter 11


Comenzile generale din linia de comanda (shell) a versiunilor de Linux

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  • All Linux Commands.doc
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Tipuri fișiere:
7/10 (3 voturi)
Nr fișiere:
1 fisier
Pagini (total):
96 pagini
Imagini extrase:
96 imagini
Nr cuvinte:
18 311 cuvinte
Nr caractere:
120 023 caractere
147.22KB (arhivat)
Publicat de:
Anonymous A.
Nivel studiu:
Tip document:
linux, configures
la facultate
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