Passive Voice

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The Passive Voice changes the agent (the one who does the action) into the object (the one who suffer(s) it).

Verbul este la diateza pasiva cand subiectul gramatical sufera actiunea savarsita de obiect.

ex. Tom cleans his room every day. -> The room is cleaned every day.

Folosim pasivul cand suntem mai interesati de actiune ori proces decat de persoana sau lucrul care a cauzat-o.

Pasivul prezent simplu este format din prezentul verbului TO BE si participiul trecut al verbului principal.

ex. They don't lock these gates at night. -> These gates aren't locked at night.

Pasivul trecut simplu este format din trecutul verbului TO BE si din participiul trecut al verbului principal.

ex. They invited us to a jazz concert. -> We were invited to a jazz concert.

Are the animals treated well? (>> It's not important who treats them well.)

Cand vrem sa spunem cine sau ce a facut actiunea folosim prepozitia by.

ex. G. Bell invented the telephone. -> The telephone was invented by Bell.

A girl in my class painted this picture. ->This picture was painted by a girl in my class.

Nu-i nevoie sa repetam verbul TO BE daca avem o lista de actiuni la pasiv.

ex. The apples are washed, dried and delivered to the store.

Constructiile pasive sunt intrebuintate mai frecvent in limbajul stiintific si in cel jurnalistic.

ex. The first coded message was sent in 400BC, twenty-three centuries before the Morse code was invented.

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  • Passive Voice.doc
Alte informații:
Tipuri fișiere:
10/10 (3 voturi)
Nr fișiere:
1 fisier
Pagini (total):
3 pagini
Imagini extrase:
3 imagini
Nr cuvinte:
723 cuvinte
Nr caractere:
3 746 caractere
13.64KB (arhivat)
Publicat de:
Anonymous A.
Nivel studiu:
Tip document:
Limba Engleză
past tense, to be
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