Teste în engleză - zootehnie

Previzualizare laborator:

Extras din laborator:

-Theme:Cattle management -

-1.________ for cows should be cleansed and disinfected regulary.-




-Both of them-

-2.The stable should be in connection with be born in whitc the _______ are stared.-

-Feeding stuffs-




-3.________ are when they are dehorned, the better beef animals they will make.-

-The younger cattle-




-4.When is dehorning to be done?-

-The calf is young-

-The calf is old-

-The calf was born-

-From 7 weeks to 7 months of age-

-5.In any case the operation should not be delayed until ________.-

-7 months-

-1 year-

-A few weeks-

-4 months-

-6.Attention should be the given to the condition of the udder during this period so as to prevent_________.-




-Digestives difficulties-

-7.For how long should be calf be allowed to such the cow?-

-4 or 5 day-

-A week-

-6 months-

-A year-

-8.When do heifers begin to give milk?-

-After calving-

-After feeding-

-Before calving-

-In the spring-

-9.How can heifers be brought into milk without a pregnancy?-

-Special injections.implanting tablets-

-Special injection-

-By implanting tablets-

-Due a special remedy-

-10.How many times a day should high yielding cows be milked?

-3 or 4 times-

-Twice a day-

-Once a day-

-Several times-

-11.How can we cause a rise in milk flow?-

-By feeding with extra ration-

-By feeding leguminous hay-

-By feeding regularly-

-Be feeding grain ration-

-12. What does the lactation depend on?-

-The month of calving-

-The quality of ration-

-Different conditions-

-The conditions of calving-

-13.When do autumn calving cows reduce their yield?-

-Throughout the winter-

-In the autumn-

-In the end of the year-

-In summer-

-14.When does a marked decrease occur?-

-After the 20th week of pregnancy-

-In winter-

-In the end of the year-

-In the middle of lactation-

-15.Milk accumulates in it which by pressure checks further milk production and so reduced__________.-

-The yield-

-The quality-

-The quantity-

-Both of them-

-16.When will a cow rise the milk yield?-

-Both of them-

-Properly fed-

-Properly looked after-


Testele sunt in domeniu zootehniei

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  • Teste in Engleza - Zootehnie.doc
Alte informații:
Tipuri fișiere:
8/10 (1 voturi)
Nr fișiere:
1 fisier
Pagini (total):
24 pagini
Imagini extrase:
24 imagini
Nr cuvinte:
3 239 cuvinte
Nr caractere:
18 587 caractere
35.98KB (arhivat)
Publicat de:
NNT 1 P.
Nivel studiu:
Tip document:
la facultate
Grati Sabina