Access 2007 tutorial

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Starting Access 2007

Double click on the Access 2007 icon on the Windows desktop (see right), or click-on the Start button in the lower left corner of the screen, then click-on Programs, and then click-on Microsoft Access 2007.

The Getting Started with Microsoft Office Access screen will appear (image below).

For previous Access users: The above menu screen is new in Access 2007. Take a few minutes to peruse this screen. You will notice that (on the top left of the screen) that the "old" Access Templates (already created databases) are still available.

As we move through this tutorial, many features of "old" Access will be familiar to you.

Left Mouse Button

In this tutorial, whenever we indicate that you need to click the mouse, it will mean to click the left mouse button - unless we indicate that you should click the RIGHT mouse button. So, always "click left" unless we tell you otherwise.

Creating an Access 2007 Database

This tutorial will assist you in creating a database that includes the features most often used in databases. Once you gain skill with the database you create, you will be able to use and understand the already created Microsoft Access databases mentioned on the last page.

We'll begin with a Blank Database and increase our database knowledge with each step.

Look at the center of your Access screen. You will see - Getting Started with Microsoft Office Access. Below the title you will see a Blank Database button.

Click the Blank Database button.

As soon as you click the Blank Database button, the right side of your Access screen will change and look like the image on the left.

Saving your work

One of the unique things about Access database is that it requires you to save your database as soon as you enter the program.

You can save your work on a floppy diskette in the A: Drive, on a USB key/Flash Drive or on your C: Hard Disk, or in some other drive. Please save to one of these areas and substitute your Drive in the instructions.

To choose the Drive, on which you will save your Access database, click the small folder to the right of File Name:


Creating a Database using Access 2007

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Structură de fișiere:
  • Access 2007 tutorial.doc
Alte informații:
Tipuri fișiere:
8/10 (1 voturi)
Nr fișiere:
1 fisier
Pagini (total):
51 pagini
Imagini extrase:
51 imagini
Nr cuvinte:
10 254 cuvinte
Nr caractere:
47 016 caractere
2.47MB (arhivat)
Publicat de:
Olimpiu State
Nivel studiu:
Tip document:
Ghid de studiu
Limbi Străine
baze de date, tutorial, access 2007
Facultatea de Inginerie In Limbi Straine , Universitatea Tehnica de Constructii din Bucuresti
Ingineria informatiei (engleza si franceza)
Limbi Străine
An de studiu: