The Effect of a Parent în Child's Life

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The effect of a parent, teacher, or friend on your life

I Believe That Parents, Teachers, and friends have effect on life year. Parents Are The Ones That They teach you right from wrong effect by teaching you how you to do things like cleaning, cooking, brushing your teeth to Even. This Impacts you a lot in your self-steam. Teachers impact on how you think and this is When you start believing your own thing INSTEAD of just listening to what your Parents say. Teachers effect your life by showing another way of thinking and doing things Also They help you decide what you want to be. Friends from experience effect you life a lot by having fun and living your life i cant live without my best friend STIs just good to have a friend be there for you When Ever You Need Them at anytime.

After all they are the cornerstone of our life, for without them nothing would be pointless, because parents exist, help teachers become something in life and get useful knowledge, but friends always have a place in our hearts no matter where they are !

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Structură de fișiere:
  • The Effect of a Parent in Child's Life.doc
Alte informații:
Tipuri fișiere:
8/10 (5 voturi)
Nr fișiere:
1 fisier
Pagini (total):
2 pagini
Imagini extrase:
2 imagini
Nr cuvinte:
655 cuvinte
Nr caractere:
3 281 caractere
8.19KB (arhivat)
Publicat de:
Anonymous A.
Nivel studiu:
Tip document:
engleza, eseu
la facultate