Time and space

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Contrasting Culture Values and Perceptions

Conceptual tools to understand the complex unspoken rules of each culture. Tools:

I.Fast and slow messages

Finding the appropriate speed, the speed with witch particular message can be decoded and acted on is an important characteristic f human communication. There are fast and slow messages.

Fast messagesSlow messages

- the prose- poetry

- headlines- book

- propaganda- art

- TV commercials- TV documentary

- television- printed word

- manners- culture

II.High and Low Context: How much information is enough?

Context is the information that surrounds an event. It is represented by the meaning of that event. Events and context always combine to produce a given meaning and are constantly depending on the culture.

High context cultures have extensive information networks among family, friends, colleagues, clients. They don't require or expect much in-depth (profound) background information. Among these cultures there are the Japanese, Mediterranean or Arab cultures.

Low context cultures need detailed background information. Such cultures are the Americans, the Germans, the Swiss, the northern-European countries. Within each culture there are specific individual differences in the need for contexting. In fact, contexting performs multiple functions.

Eg. Any shift in the level of context means communication:

a.down the scale - coolness

b.up the scale - which represents a warning of the relationship.

Eg. In the USA high context comm. Is represented by the familiar tone and low-context comm. Is rep by formal tone.

The American approach to life is divided and focused on discreet compartmentalized information.

Americans need to know what is going to be in what compartment before they commit themselves. As a general rule, Americans place greater importance on how long ago a commitment was made on the agenda and on the relevance of the expertise of different individuals to the agenda.

Eg: A top American executive working in an office and receiving several visitors usually one at a time.

Most of the information that is relevant to the job originates from the few people the executive sees in the course of the day as well as from what he/she reads. We have to contrast this with the office of virtually any business executive in a high context country such as France or Japan, where information flows freely and from all sites. Not only are people constantly coming and going, both seeking and giving information but the entire form and function of the organization is centered on gathering, processing and disseminating information. Everyone stays informed about every aspect of the business and knows who is best informed on what subjects.


1.Territoriality - the act of laying claim to and defending a territory. Territoriality is highly developed and strongly influenced by culture. It is commonly in German and in USA. For these countries space communicates power.

2.Personal Space - the invisible bubble of space depending on:

a.The relationship to the people near by

b.The persons emotional state

c.The cultural background

d.The activity being performed

3.The multisensory spacial experience - space is perceived by all senses

4.Unconscious reactions to spacial experience and differences.

Suggestions - look for proximity

- special chages give tone to communication


Time can be analyzed either as structured or as communication. Time could be monochromic (doing one thing at a time) or polychromic (being involved with lots of activities at the same time)

Eg. Monoch - the Americans, the Brits, the Germans, the Scandinavians

This monoch time is learned.

The polich time supposes great involvement with people. It lays emphasis on completing human transactions than on holding to schedules.

Monochronic peoplePolichromic people

- concentrate on the job- highly distractable and subject to interruptions

- take time commitments seriously: - consider time commitments an

deadlines, schedules objective to be achieved if possible

- low context and need information- high context and already have inform

- are committed to the job- are commited to people and human relationships

- adhere religiously to plans- change plans often and easily

- are concerned about not disturbing others

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Nr cuvinte:
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Tip document:
space, time
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