251 de cursuri pentru Facultate din domeniul Engleză

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Engleză251 Economie2607 Management2102 Drept1684 Contabilitate1315 Marketing1088 Medicină958 Finanțe938 Calculatoare828 Psihologie757

Forma de invatamant

Cursuri / Engleză / Facultate

  • Imagine document Teste


    Curs / Engleză / Facultate

    1. BUSINESS ORGANISATIONS I. Match the terms on the left with their definitions on the right: 1. private company a. a company owned by another; 2. public company b. a company which produces and/ or sells water, electricity, gas etc. to the general public; 3.nationalised company c. a...

    47 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Business communication - international settings

    Business communication - international settings

    Curs / Engleză / Facultate

    Content Module 1 - Written Communication Module 2 – Oral Communication Structure – Section A Introduction - Section B Study Written Communication 1. The layout and style of a business letter (p. 15) Style of a business letter – block style - semi block style - indented style...

    87 pagini ppt
  • Imagine document Business Letters

    Business Letters

    Curs / Engleză / Facultate

    Effective commercial letters - ‘commercial style’ - RULES: - clarity - concision - logical development of ideas - politeness PLUS: - appropriate register - elements to reveal the sender’s seriousness - his awareness of drawing up a formal letter (no smiling faces, jokes,...

    70 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Pronouns


    Curs / Engleză / Facultate

    Most pronouns replace full noun phrases, and can be seen as economy devices. Personal and demonstrative pronouns, for example, serve as pointers to the neighbouring text (usually preceding text) or to the speech situation. Other pronouns have very general reference, or can be used for...

    14 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Gender and Noun Formation

    Gender and Noun Formation

    Curs / Engleză / Facultate

    Gender: masculine, feminine, personal, and neuter Gender is not an important grammatical category in English: unlike many European languages, English has no masculine and feminine inflections for nouns or determiners. Yet semantically, gender is an interesting and controversial topic:...

    17 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Curs engleză

    Curs engleză

    Curs / Engleză / Facultate

    Conţinut: 1. Alfabetul. Reguli de pronunţie şi ortografie; 2. Articolele şi utilizarea lor; 3. Verbele TO BE şi TO HAVE; 4. Pronumele personale; 5. Apropierea. Depărtarea. Apartenenţa; 6. Corpul omenesc. Descrierea unei persoane; 7. Naţionalitatea. Meseria. CV – ul meu; 8....

    95 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Engleză economică

    Engleză economică

    Curs / Engleză / Facultate

    vocabulary 1. Complete the flow chart with the following words. build negotiate provide renew request win 2. Match the expressions 1-6 with their explanations a-f. 1 acknowledge a customer 2 hold on to a customer 3 woo a customer 4 lose a customer 5 approach a customer 6...

    48 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Organizing a Written Text

    Organizing a Written Text

    Curs / Engleză / Facultate

    I. ORGANIZING COMPOSITIONS The layout of most types of writing consists of three parts: an introduction, a main body and a conclusion. I. Introduction The introduction, i.e. the first paragraph, is a short paragraph whose purpose is to give the reader a general idea of the subject of...

    5 pagini doc Cuprins
  • Imagine document Abstract Summary

    Abstract Summary

    Curs / Engleză / Facultate

    I. ABSTRACT 1. Definition 2. Types 3. Steps in writing 4. Features 5. Activity 1. Definition An abstract is a condensed version of a longer piece of writing that highlights the major points covered, concisely describing the content of the writing. It is placed at the beginning...

    6 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Format of Letters

    Format of Letters

    Curs / Engleză / Facultate

    1. Writing styles a. Blocked style Bredgate 51, DK 1276, Copenhagen K, Denmark Mrs. Sara Fisher The Manager Supersonic Ltd, 18 St. James Avenue, London SE231Jf United Kingdom 6th of May 2006 Our ref: SJA/ TR Dear Mrs. Fisher, Acknowledgment of order receipt We are...

    6 pagini doc Cuprins
  • Imagine document Gramatica limbii engleze

    Gramatica limbii engleze

    Curs / Engleză / Facultate

    Verbele de actiune formeaza Prezentul Continuu cu ajutorul auxiliarului to be” si a terminatiei “-ing” adaugata verbului de actiune. E.g. I am going to school now. You are going to school now. Prezentul Continuu al verbelor de actiune –forma interogativa -verbele de actiune aflate...

    30 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Company Presentation

    Company Presentation

    Curs / Engleză / Facultate

    a. limited (liability) company- a company where the shareholders will lose only what they have invested if the company goes bankrupt, and will not lose other property that they own; Ltd b. holding company- a company that completely or partly owns other companies and may also carry out...

    6 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Modal Auxiliaries

    Modal Auxiliaries

    Curs / Engleză / Facultate

    - the simple infinitive to express a modalized event at present: I can/could drive a car, ride a motorbike and sail a boat. He should visit his parents more often. - the progressive infinitive (be + verb -ing) to show an action in progress at present: She must be reading a book. -...

    6 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Comunicare de Afaceri

    Comunicare de Afaceri

    Curs / Engleză / Facultate

    Success in business - ability to communicate inside & outside the company When is communication effective? Only when others understand your message and respond to it the way you want them to Effective communication: • manage your work flow • improve business relationships •...

    46 pagini doc
  • Imagine document English Modernism

    English Modernism

    Curs / Engleză / Facultate

    JAMES JOYCE Now, as never before, his strange name seemed to him a prophecy. So timeless seemed the grey warm air, so fluid and impersonal his own mood, that all ages were as one to him. [ ] Now, at the name of the fabulous artificer, he seemed to hear the noise of dim waves and to see...

    152 pagini doc