94 de seminarii din domeniul Pedagogie

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Seminarii / Pedagogie

  • Imagine document Asking Questions

    Asking Questions

    Seminar / Pedagogie / Facultate

    Questioning is an activation technique universally used in teaching, mainly within the IRF pattern. In class it is possible to ask many different kinds of questions, and to ask questions in many different ways. The T's questions are not always realised by interrogatives; for example,...

    9 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Disruptive Behaviour

    Disruptive Behaviour

    Seminar / Pedagogie / Facultate

    !- Activity 1. What do you think the characteristics of a disciplined classroom are- Compare your answers with the suggestions below Use '++' for those you agree with without reservations, '+' for those you agree with but not entirely, and '?' for those you have strong reservations:...

    9 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Giving Instruction and Explanations

    Giving Instruction and Explanations

    Seminar / Pedagogie / Facultate

    Learners see the ability to explain things well as one of the most important qualities of a good teacher. One particular kind of explanation that is very important in teaching is instruction (i.e. the directions that are given to introduce a learning task which entails some student...

    2 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Indirect Object Clauses and The Prep Object Clause

    Indirect Object Clauses and The Prep Object Clause

    Seminar / Pedagogie / Facultate

    The italicised word in the next example represents the Indirect Object at the level of the clause: He gave me the book. The Indirect Object here precedes the Direct Object ('the book'). If we want it to follow the Direct Object, it gets the preposition 'to': He gave the book to me....

    8 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Coordination


    Seminar / Pedagogie / Facultate

    Both coordination and subordination involve the linking of units, but in coordination the units are constituents of the same level, whereas in subordination they are on different levels. An important difference between coordination and subordination is that only in the former can the...

    10 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Teacher Roles

    Teacher Roles

    Seminar / Pedagogie / Facultate

    The teacher's behaviour in different kinds of activities changes according to the nature of activities. The most important distinction to be drawn here is between the roles of controller and facilitator. A controller stands at the front of the class like a puppet-master / mistress...

    5 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Teaching Speaking

    Teaching Speaking

    Seminar / Pedagogie / Facultate

    Speaking seems to be the most important skill as people who know a language are referred to as 'speakers' of that language. Therefore, classroom activities that develop learners' ability to express themselves through speech are an important component of a language course. Nevertheless,...

    5 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Teaching Listening

    Teaching Listening

    Seminar / Pedagogie / Facultate

    In real life, there are two ways in which we often listen to something: A. Casual listening, when we listen with no particular purpose in mind and without much concentration. e.g. - to the radio while doing some housework; - chatting to a friend; - to the people on a bus, etc. B....

    5 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Teaching Reading

    Teaching Reading

    Seminar / Pedagogie / Facultate

    ?! Activity 1. How do we read- (Materials: Boxes 10.2.1, 10.3, 10.4, 10.2.2) Do you agree / disagree / agree with reservations with the ideas below- Account for your answers. 1. We need to perceive and decode letters in order to read words. 2. We need to understand all the words in...

    5 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Teaching Writing

    Teaching Writing

    Seminar / Pedagogie / Facultate

    Writing and speaking as productive skills The differences between written and spoken English imply various types of exercises which focus on different aspects of language and demand different levels of correctness. Perhaps the single most important difference between writing and...

    6 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Instruire asistată pe calculator

    Instruire asistată pe calculator

    Seminar / Pedagogie / Facultate

    F1.B.F.Skinner a construit in anul 1926 prima "masina de invatat". A2.Esenta instruirii programate consta in distribuirea materialului de studiat in unitati simple sau "cuante de informatie"care sa poata fi asimilate dintr-o data,punand in fata elevului probleme si cerandu-i o...

    5 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Teoria dezvoltării psihosociale - Erik Erikson

    Teoria dezvoltării psihosociale - Erik Erikson

    Seminar / Pedagogie / Facultate

    Erikson considera ca fiecare etapa de dezvoltare este caracterizata prin evenimente si conflicte, sarcini specifice de rezolvat pe care copilul si mai tarziu adolescentul, adultul trebuie sa le parcurga si sa le solutioneze adecvat pentru fiecare varsta sau etapa specifica....

    4 pagini docx
  • Imagine document În ce măsură se promovează cultura

    În ce măsură se promovează cultura

    Seminar / Pedagogie / Facultate

    Scoala ca instanta culturala. Dintotdeauna s-a putut observa nevoia omului si orientarea lui catre cultura si estetic; iar din aceasta nevoie a sa, a organizat si procesul dobandirii culturii, concretizat mai tarziu in scoala ca institutie. Cultura si deprinderile intelectuale...

    3 pagini docx
  • Imagine document Strategii de Consiliere Psihopedagogice

    Strategii de Consiliere Psihopedagogice

    Seminar / Pedagogie / Facultate

    Strategia globala de formare a formatorilor cunoaste patru nivele de programe, cu obiective, tipuri de activitati, metodologii, calendare si costuri financiare diferite: 1. formarea coordonatorilor de proiecte curriculare pentru dotati, selectionati dintre specialistii in pedagogie si...

    10 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Proiect de lecție legile lui Kirchhoff

    Proiect de lecție legile lui Kirchhoff

    Seminar / Pedagogie / Facultate

    Unitatea de invatare: Rezolvarea retelelor electrice Tema lectiei: LEGILE LUI KIRCHHOFF Tipul lectiei: lectie mixta: verificare-transmitere de noi cunostinte-evaluare Obiective cadru: cunoasterea si întelegerea fenomenelor fizice, a terminologiei si a metodelor specifice fizicii;...

    4 pagini doc