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Prepozitia descrie legatura dintre doua cuvinte din aceeasi propozitie. Prepozitiile nu au un inteles de sine statator, ele capata diferie sensuri puse in legatura cu alte cuvinte.

Sa observam catedra profesorului si multitudinea de prepozitii pe care le putem folosi pentru a o descrie:

You can sit before the desk (or in front of the desk). The professor can sit on the desk (when he's being informal) or behind the desk, and then his feet are under the desk or beneath the desk. He can stand beside the desk (meaning next to the desk), before the desk, between the desk and you, or even on the desk (if he's really strange). If he's clumsy, he can bump into the desk or try to walk through the desk (and stuff would fall off the desk). Passing his hands over the desk or resting his elbows upon the desk, he often looks across the desk and speaks of the desk or concerning the desk as if there were nothing else like the desk. Because he thinks of nothing except the desk, sometimes you wonder about the desk, what's in the desk, what he paid for the desk, and if he could live without the desk. You can walk toward the desk, to the desk, around the desk, by the desk, and even past the desk while he sits at the desk or leans against the desk.

Cuvintele evidentiate sunt toate prepozitii.

In limba engleza nu se va termina niciodata o propozitie cu o prepozitie.

10.2. Prepozitii de timp: at, on, in

At se foloseste pentru a desemna ora exacta

Ex.: The train is due at 12:15 p.m.

On indica zilele si datele calendaristice

Ex.: My brother is coming on Monday.

We're having a party on the Fourth of July.

In se foloseste pentru a desemna ore imprecise din timpul zilei, cat si luna, anotimpul, anul.

Ex.: She likes to jog in the morning.

It's too cold in winter to run outside.

He started the job in 1971.

He's going to quit in August.

10.2. Prepozitii de loc: at, on, in

At se foloseste cu adrese exacte.

Ex.: Grammar English lives at 55 Boretz Road in Durham.

On desemneaza numele de strazi, sosele, bulevarde, alei, etc.

Ex.: Her house is on Boretz Road.

In se foloseste cu numele regiunilor (orase, judete, tari, state, continente).

Ex.: She lives in Durham.

Durham is in Windham County.

Windham County is in Connecticut.

Prepozitii de loc: in, at, on si lipsa prepozitiei

IN AT ON lipsa prepozitiei

(the) bed*

the bed


the car

(the) class*

the library*

school* class*


the library*

the office


work the bed*

the ceiling

the floor

the horse

the plane

the train downstairs






* In diverse circumstante se pot folosi prepozitii diferite pentru aceste locuri.

10.3. Prepozitii de miscare: to si lipsa prepozitiei

To se foloseste pentru a exprima deplasarea, miscarea catre un loc.

Ex.: They were driving to work together.

She's going to the dentist's office this morning.

Toward si towards exprima de asemenea miscarea.

Acestea doua sunt doar variantele ortografice ale aceluiasi cuvant si se pot folosi indiferent.

Ex.: We're moving

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Structură de fișiere:
  • Prepozitia.docx
Alte informații:
Tipuri fișiere:
8/10 (1 voturi)
Nr fișiere:
1 fisier
Pagini (total):
3 pagini
Imagini extrase:
3 imagini
Nr cuvinte:
938 cuvinte
Nr caractere:
4 758 caractere
14.75KB (arhivat)
Publicat de:
Anonymous A.
Nivel studiu:
Tip document:
Limba Engleză
prepozitie, gramatica
la liceu