Test your vocabulary 4

Previzualizare laborator:

Extras din laborator:

1. Este foarte de incredere desi este incapatanat.

He is very dependable, although he is headstrong./pig headed/obstinate/stubborn.

2. Sticla aceasta este opaca.

This glass is opaque.

3. El e foarte atent (nu attentive) cu ceilalti.

He is very considerate with the others.

4. A facut-o anume! (nu on purpose)

He did this deliberately.

5. Comportarea lui a fost de neiertat.

His behaviour was indefensible.

6. El a fost condamnat la 3 ani de inchisoare pentru frauda.

He was sentenced to 3 years' imprisonment for embezzlement.

7. Copilul a fost pedepsit pentru neascultare.

The child was punished for disobedience.

8. Regula nu se aplica in acest caz.

The rule is not applicable in this case.

9. Peisajul era minunat: pajisti marginite de garduri vii dadeau impresia unei cuverturi din petice.

The landscape was wonderful: meadows bordered by hedges gave the impression of a patchwork quilt.

10. Avionul s-a prabusit pentru ca ceva s-a intamplat cu trenul de aterizare.

The plane crashed because something happened to the undercarriage/landing gear.

11. Pionul si nebunul sunt piese de sah.

The pawn and the bishop are chess pieces.

12. El este lacom si usor de pacalit.

He is greedy and gullible.

13. Ea este generoasa (nu generous) si neobosita in munca ei de a-i ajuta pe cei saraci.

She is magnanimous and indefatigable in her work of helping the others.

14. Ea s-a indragostit pana peste cap de Jim.

She fell head over heels in love with Jim.

15. John a cazut si si-a scrintit glezna.

John fell and sprained his ankle.

16. Nu-i place sa cojeasca portocalele.

He hates peeling oranges.

17. A spus ca programul va fi reluat curand.

She said that the program would be resumed soon.

18. Nu am nici cea mai vaga idee despre ce vorbesti.

I haven't the faintest/slightest idea what you are talking about.

19. El intotdeauna citeste cu voce tare procesul verbal al sedintelor.

He always reads out loud the minutes of the meetings.

20. El a negat ca a facut asta.

He denied having done that.

21. Mary este domnisoara batrana, iar Jack este burlac. Ce-ar fi sa le facem cunostiinta?

Mary is a spinster and Jack is a bachelor. Why don't we introduce them to each other?

22. Toata lumea vorbeste de diferenta dintre generatii.

Everyone is talking about the generation gap.

23. Miezul marului, samburii portocalelor, samburii caiselor, miezul nucii, galbenusul oului.

The core of the apple, the pips of the oranges, the stones of the apricots, the kernel of the nut, the yolk of the egg.

24. Au mers intr-o excursie organizata la mare.

They went on a package tour to the seaside.

25. Am mers intr-o iesire de o zi la gradina zoologica.

We went on a day's outing to the zoo.

26. A jurat ca il va omori cand il va prinde.

He swore he would do him in when he caught him.

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  • Test your vocabulary 4.doc
Alte informații:
Tipuri fișiere:
8/10 (1 voturi)
Nr fișiere:
1 fisier
Pagini (total):
19 pagini
Imagini extrase:
19 imagini
Nr cuvinte:
3 921 cuvinte
Nr caractere:
18 858 caractere
21.99KB (arhivat)
Publicat de:
Floriana Monica Rosu
Nivel studiu:
Tip document:
engleza, vocabular
Facultatea de Pompieri , Academie de Politie "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Bucuresti
Instalatii pentru constructii - pompieri
An de studiu: