Bermuda Triangle

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Death's Geometry

Samewere, in the Atlantic Ocean, in United States south- east open off the coast, exists an area, suggestive denumit "The devil's Triangle", where strange phenomenons are happening. It seams like here, over the time, have disappeared, plane and simple, with the entire crew, over one houndred ships and planes! What are the explications for this tragedies? What forces or phenomenons could produce such tragedies? Where and how ship's and plane's crews have vanished? The mystery remains unsolved and continues to urge everyones imagination.

Sea's hell

The famous triangle extends on a surface of 3.900.000 km- in the Atlantic Ocean, and it is limited by Bermuda islands in north, meridional Florida in west and Puerto Rico in south. "Sea's hell","Black Triangle", "Atlantic's graveyard" or "Misfortune's Sea", are the name that people gave to this enigmatic place on Earth-The Bermuda Triangle. The story begin on 16 september 1950, with the appearance of a material singal by the report E.V.W. Jones, employee of the American news agency Associated Press. The newswritter wrote a big material, were he pointed out "the mysterious disappearances" of planes, ships and entire crews, in a region situated between Florida and Bermuda, that he coled "The hell of the lost". The theme because truly famous in 1964, after the American magazine "Argosy" published the article of Vincent H. Gaddis , "The Deadly Bermuda Triangle".

A living legend

The legend that refers to the events, that take place in the Bermuda Triangle, exist since Cristofor Columb. In this first journey towards "The new world"(1492), passing by the region, Columb made some notes referring to the strange phenomenons of the oceanic zone around the Bahamas islands. In his log book there wore found affirmations like: "the water changes colour", "strange lights appear in the sky" or "the compass needle go crazy ". It supposed that the famous explorer was the first , that saw and identified the so-called "luminescent waters" or "stripes of white water". From the American astronauts describes , this silver glitters would be the last lights that can be seen, on Earth, by those that go in space! The lack of fast and safe communications means from that period lead to the conclusion that the only causes that determined the bizarre disappearances of the boats entered in the Bermuda Triangle could be pirates or the appearance of some suddenly atmospheric phenomenons.

Theorys and hypothesis

Initially, scientist denied the existence of unknown phenomenons, claming that the moving lights from the surface of the sea aren't noting else but the fires from the Taino indiens canoes, and the flames from the sky wore meteors trace. Scientist all over the world, researchers of the phenomenon, sensational amateurs and witnesses of this strange events tried to put forward miscellaneous theorys for the disappearances without a trace from the Bermuda Triangle. The most frequent hypothesis are: inauspicious weather conditions, strong marin currents, the discrepancy between the magnetic and geographic north, the theory about the gases from the ocean bottom, distorceons of the electromagnetic field, the Hutchinson effect, the involvement of UFO-s and aliens and countless associations with the fascinant mystery of the Atlantida. The region from which The Bermuda Triangle belongs is recognized for the changing weather conditions, extreme sometimes - intense storms giant


1.Terra magazine


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9/10 (1 voturi)
Nr fișiere:
1 fisier
Pagini (total):
4 pagini
Imagini extrase:
4 imagini
Nr cuvinte:
1 390 cuvinte
Nr caractere:
7 570 caractere
10.95KB (arhivat)
Publicat de:
Anonymous A.
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Limba Engleză
atlantic ocean, Bermuda Triangle, danger, mistery
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